Countdown – to What?
There was no way I was going to read all 920 pages of Project 2025. If they had contacted me a year ago, I might have considered offering my editing skills which would have reduced the abysmal gobbily-goop writing by at least half. [Clarification: there’s not enough money in the world for me to even consider that possibility.] I did Google specific words in the document i.e. “rights,” “Gay marriage,” “education” and that search only reaffirmed my concern for the future.
Let me save you some time. On page 45 the following appears: “The pursuit of the good life is found primarily in family – marriage, children, Thanksgiving, and the like.” Please humor me with the following – my bastardized sentence diagram.
“The pursuit of the good life…” Not a bad start. Reminiscent of another famous document.
“…is found primarily in family…” I can get with that. We all can agree we were born of a mother. Her situation may have been varied (husband close by, husband not in the picture, IVF Mom supported by mate (man or woman) or on her own), thus creating a family.
“…family – marriage, children…” Starting to lose me here. My marriage has been acknowledged legally for a number of years, although I choose to honor it in my heart for the last thirty-four years of loving commitment. “…children…” not directly, although not for lack of trying (a miscarriage, years ago). However, our “family” readily includes dozens of nieces and nephews, great nieces and nephews, and yes, even great GREAT nieces! If any member of the family is in need of help or words of encouragement or just a non-judgmental ear for comfort, we’re there! (Even those diametrically opposed to my thinking. Love you all!)
“…Thanksgiving…” This is where the writer goes off the deep end. Ignoring Christmas! Birthdays! Easter (for Christ’s sake)! I’m thinking there was a deadline looming for the scribe to get this in or maybe he/she was blurry eyed from trying to keep track of all the misinformation. It certainly wasn’t fatigue from research.
But the clincher, the line that separates the boys from the men, the intelligent from the ignorant, the doofus from the other doofuses (or doofi – at this point does it really matter?)
“…and the like.” Words elude me. One of the few times in my life I can’t respond.
There’re probably tons more examples in Project 2025 that will alternately appall, horrify, stun, dismay, shock, outrage, etc. There are so many lists of synonyms that may be applied. But you get the picture.
Don’t insult me with terrible human rights abuses. Don’t insult me with poor writing. Better yet, don’t insult me at all.
VOTE November 5!