My 3 Cents
“And the World Still Spins” “Could be . . .Who knows? . . . There’s something due any day—I will know right away, Soon as it shows.” Oh, Tony, Tony, Tony, you young, naïve teenager, singing your heart out in… (READ MORE)
“And the World Still Spins” “Could be . . .Who knows? . . . There’s something due any day—I will know right away, Soon as it shows.” Oh, Tony, Tony, Tony, you young, naïve teenager, singing your heart out in… (READ MORE)
Looking forward to 2025 is scary for me, so I decided to take a look back. I began writing My 3 Cents in 2016 and every year in December I reflect, and evidently, share my thoughts for the year. The… (READ MORE)
Escape to Reality By chance while I was listening to Pivot, a political podcast, I heard Kara Swisher mention another podcast that had interviewed her – “Life in Seven Songs.” The podcast features famous people, but what if the question… (READ MORE)
A True Change of Pace Normally I choose a movie by the director. Sometimes subject matter plays a part, but if I find a filmmaker that, for lack of a better phrase, “speaks to me,” I’ll no doubt buy a… (READ MORE)
Countdown – to What? There was no way I was going to read all 920 pages of Project 2025. If they had contacted me a year ago, I might have considered offering my editing skills which would have reduced the… (READ MORE)
It Matters How can Christians being sacrificed to lions, politicians running for office, and pickleball games possibly be connected? I recently played in a pickleball tournament. The participants were senior women from a neighboring community, all (supposedly) of a… (READ MORE)
Endings and Beginnings I’m in that period of limbo where my current major writing project is near completion and it’s time to look forward. Should I peruse uncompleted works, dust off what I at one time considered worthy topics or… (READ MORE)
Old Song /New Meaning “Make new friends but keep the old. Some are silver and the others gold.” Typing this lyric, I had a flash back to scouting days and I apologize if you now have the tune in… (READ MORE)
Political Moratorium I’ve kept my time watching and reading the news to a minimum the last few years. Thirty second television sounds bites, online NYT headlines with an estimated reading time, and impromptu alerts on my phones are irritating. I… (READ MORE)
Goodbyes How important is the written word? The exchange of feelings? Are we truly too busy to write? With the advent of email there is really no excuse not to share a moment with a friend or family member. No… (READ MORE)