On the Arts: No Matter What the Event, This Critic Hopes for Magic
On the Arts: No Matter What the Event, This Critic Hopes for Magic Sunday, April 30, 2000 By Rebecca Redshaw
On the Arts: No Matter What the Event, This Critic Hopes for Magic Sunday, April 30, 2000 By Rebecca Redshaw
On The Arts: Pigeonholes Are For Pigeons, Not For People Sunday, June 18, 2000 By Rebecca Redshaw
On The Arts: World Travelers Can Find Culture in their Own Back Yard Sunday, September 17, 2000 By Rebecca Redshaw
On the Arts: It’s Best to Take Those Lists With a Healthy Skepticism Sunday, September 02, 2001 By Rebecca Redshaw My friend Tom describes the spring of every year as his “tux season.” As a former head of… (READ MORE)
Hollywood Should Stick With What it Does Best — Entertain Sunday, November 04, 2001 By Rebecca Redshaw These are strange times. For years, the government has been lambasting Hollywood about the negative influence of movies and television on our… (READ MORE)
Oh, Journalist, Where Art Thou? Recently, I was appalled by more than one of our most noted news reporters… By Rebecca Redshaw The best part of being a playwright and author is that you get to make “stuff” up…. (READ MORE)