Picture This!
By Rebecca Redshaw
Reprinted from NotesFromHollywood.com
Ever get tired of movie critics using a variety of cutesy symbols?
Ever wonder why the only time you have an evening free to go to the movies, nothing worthwhile is playing? Ever wander into a video store and peruse thousands of DVDs and VHS tapes and be hard pressed to find anything worth viewing that requires giving up two hours of your life? Ever get tired of movie critics using a variety of cutesy symbols including smiley faces, thumbs (up or down), popcorn boxes, quarter, half, or full moons (my favorite), and arbitrary (or contrary) numbered ratings anywhere from 1 to 10?
My pet peeve is the reviewer who insists on outlining the plot, the lazy man’s way to meet a deadline.
Beginning Friday, September 6th and every subsequent Friday thereafter, PICTURE THIS will offer a viewing recommendation exclusive for NotesFromHollywood.com readers only.
No marriage will take place but suffice it to say this critic hopes to form a most perfect union of film lovers adopting the old adage of “something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue.”
Each week a different movie will be spotlighted. It might be a Hollywood blockbuster (but at $8.00 plus popcorn it had better be a good one) or a foreign gem (not to be shied away from in fear of being identified with pretentious pseudo-intellectuals). Another possible selection may be the cursed “straight to video” gem (seen only to date by cast and crew and loyal parents of participants) or on occasion a Classic that may have (for all you film buffs) a strange, but often forgotten phenomenon, called a plot).
The beauty of PICTURE THIS is tri-fold.
1. The reviews will be succinct. No need to get your fingers inky or watch copycat entertainment magazines.
2. The opinion of the reviewer will not be influenced by expensive studio junkets, prepaid cruises, pop concert tickets, or even cash in unmarked envelopes. (This point may be subject to change upon further review.)
3. Readers are welcome to suggest titles for future consideration at R2redshaw@hotmail.com. However, dissenting opinions are a waste of time. Write your own column.
Circle the date. PICTURE THIS debuts Friday, September 6, 2002.