
Picture This! Reviews Anchorman

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Frequently newspapers promoting the latest film releases will plaster short quotes from critics around the country in their ads. Maybe you’re one of those folks that is actually swayed to see the movie when you read “Two Thumbs Up” or “Hilariously Funny” emblazoned in daring, large typeset in the entertainment section.

If I may be so bold as to turn the tables on Anchorman, the attempted parody of a 70’s newsroom, I’d like to use actual quotes from the movie to get you to read this review.

Uttered by a stunning Christina Applegate in a hapless role –
“This is pathetic!”

Will Ferrell, the co-writer as well as star avowed –
“I immediately regret this decision!”
(Damn, I had to wait until the final reel of this way too long adolescent romp to hear those words.)

Granted, I’m a few years older than when I saw Animal House, John Landis’ 1978 comedy gem. The words “Food fight!” still bring back memories of a fun time at the movies. But if Anchorman was trying to capture any of the “boys will be boys” silliness that John Belushi and his fellow frat brothers mastered, they only succeeded in being boorish, even to the pierced and denimed junior high crowd that sat in the front of the theatre.

There was a glimmer of hope for this film early on when Ferrell, as Ron Burgundy, had a conversation with his dog, Baxter. But even that bit dragged on too long. The united audience reaction, alas, never came in the form of laughter, but with a gasp at the tasteless dropkick of little Baxter off the bridge.

Rebecca Redshaw is the Arts& Entertainment Critic for She can be reached at